What does each person like?
1) Alice likes avocado but not squash, okra but not zucchini, eggplant but not bell pepper.
2) Bobby likes cookies but not cupcakes, apples but not bananas, blackberries but not grapes.
3) Drew likes cheese but not crackers, trout but not salmon, brie but not gouda.
4) Huck likes blues but not reds, straws but not sticks, elders but not youngsters.
5) Irene likes arugula but not sage, oregano but not tarragon, basil but not coriander.
6) Katy likes coffee but not mocha, milk but not cream, tall but not grande.
7) May likes suns but not skies, corn but not cabbage, and passion but not power.
Hint: They are all happy with themselves.