Thursday, September 27, 2012


Kinda, anyway. A lot of things happened in the past month or so (it seems so much longer). The last few weeks of my hectic internship, the first few weeks of school, and a week or so of suffering a nasty viral or something. Mostly fun, but no time for this, amazingly enough.

The strange thing is that it's not as though I don't have stuff to write about. If anything, I have more than before. Unfortunately there are just so many things that take priority over this that it just falls off the bottom of any list I make. :( And I still have hundreds of pages of reading to do.

Even as I write these lines, I'm still trying to decide whether or not to continue with this. I have a journal to eat up my thoughts now, so does this blog still have a purpose in life (specifically, my life)? At the risk of having to change my mind again within a month, I'm going to say yes. Actual posts soon to come, then... :)