Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Life of Smiles


Apparently babies smile around 10x more often than adults, on average. This isn't that surprising when you consider that adults in a baby's vicinity spend a lot of energy and time trying to keep that baby happy, but even then, all things considered, it seems that babies are rather easily pleased. I believe that this, at some level, is what people are trying to say with "A happy life is a simple life." A life without stressful complications, a life without unattainable desires--more or less, a life easily pleased.

I've been told that I am very easily pleased. This might be true, but I think it would be more accurate to say that I am extremely lucky. My life is good: no work that I'm not doing because I want to, all necessities provided to the point of luxury, friends and family all around me. Jainism uses the concept of karma--that is, good deeds lead to good fortune, and vice versa, even from past lives to the present one. If that's the case, I must have done something remarkable in my last life to deserve this, on the level of creating hundreds of jobs, or eliminating the water deficiency in a village.

With that out of the way, let's get to the point: I smile a lot, I have good reason to, and so I've decided that that is a good enough reason to make this blog. I can keep track, and perhaps coax a few more smiles out of a few more people. :) I still haven't decided what kind of blog it's going to be, per se--short monologues like this one, picture posts, short little phrases...so it'll probably be all of the above to begin with. I definitely want to ramp up to 1 a day, if I can dredge up the discipline. Like I said, I certainly have no shortage of reasons. :D

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